Team leader and Senior Researcher, HDR, Inria

  • At ENSC , 109 avenue Roul, 33405 Talence cedex, France
  • At Inria , 200 rue vieille tour, 33405 Talence cedex, France
  • Since July 2024, Head of science for the Inria Center at the University of Bordeaux
  • HDR, Senior Researcher - Directeur de recherche INRIA
  • Auctus Team leader
  • Principal investigator of ANR Pacbot
  • Innovative Industrial Animation: | Aquitaine robotics Cluster | Pôle Aérospace Valley | GIS Albatros|
  • Erdös number = 3

Research | Scholar google | Publications in Hal | Videos |
Keywords: Robotics, Cobotics, Human Posture Analysis, Human-robot Interaction, Cable-driven robot, Parameters Identification, Calibration …
Industrial Collaborations | AKKA | Airbus | Solvay | Farm3 | Stellantis|
PhD Students

My publications

Journal articles 24 documents
Conference papers 24 documents
Preprints 24 documents
Thesis 24 documents
Reports 24 documents
Book chapters 24 documents
Patents 24 documents

Related topics #ddaney

Paper Abstract In hazardous or inaccessible environments, teleoperation enables remote task execution. However, its effectiveness is hindered by reduced performance and an increased operator workload, primarily due to the lack of direct sensory feedback. To address this issue, haptic guidance, that provides a guiding force feedback through the haptic device, can enhance remote operations by directing the operator towards task goals. This method relies on both the environment and the operator, … [Read More]
Teleoperation is a method often used to carry out tasks in dangerous, inaccessible or sensitive environments where human’s expertise and ability to adapt cannot be replaced by an autonomous robot. However, teleoperation also involves a split between the operator and the workspace. To counter this, haptic interfaces are used, transmitting the physical interactions of the robot with its environment via force feedback. The facility to generate forces, on the operator side, can also be exploited to … [Read More]
The SHAARE associate team is created in 2024 between the IRiS lab at KAIST and the Auctus team at Inria, to share our complementary methodological orientations in haptic shared control. Together, we aim at developing shared-control approaches that, either, better guide the human through adaptive haptic guidance, or adjust the robot behavior according to the human gestures. The IRiS lab develops virtual-fixture feedback, generated from a task description given by the user. Our partner also … [Read More]
Paper Abstract Robots require the ability to autonomously and continuously react to unexpected online changes in the task definition and in the environment, especially those cohabited with humans. To react to these changes, the task, from the current state up to the finish, must instantly be reconsidered. This implies a prohibitive re-computation cost. This paper proposes a modular control architecture based on Model Predictive Control, that offers a good compromise between optimally achieving … [Read More]
Contexte Dans le cadre des tâches de télérobotique et de collaboration homme-robot, il est essentiel de connaître à tout moment la position des objets dans l’environnement du robot. Cela peut être réalisé à l’aide de divers capteurs : parmi ceux-ci, les systèmes de motion capture constituent une option intéressante. Ces systèmes correspondent à un ensemble de caméras infrarouges, capables de déterminer les poses 3D de corps rigides à haute fréquence. Cependant, l’estimation de ces poses peut … [Read More]

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team  ddaney