Reachable space of robotic manipulators has complex geometry and is often hard to characterise, therefore it is usually calculated in advance by the robot manufacturers and given as an image in their datasheets (as shown on the image on the right). However these images are hard to exploit as they are not analytical solutions to this problem. Even if we would have an analytical solution to this problem it would still not include in its consideration robot’s dynamics, its payload or its actuator torque limits. [Read More]
A propos du centre ou de la direction fonctionnelle Le centre Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest est un des neuf centres d’Inria et compte une vingtaine d’équipes de recherche. Le centre Inria est un acteur majeur et reconnu dans le domaine des sciences numériques. Il est au cœur d’un riche écosystème de R&D et d’innovation : PME fortement innovantes, grands groupes industriels, pôles de compétitivité, acteurs de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur, laboratoires d’excellence, institut de recherche technologique… [Read More]
Iterative convex hull is a polytope evaluation algorithm developed for the generic class of the linear algebra problems: $$ A\bm{x} = B\bm{y},\qquad \bm{y} \in [\bm{y} _{min}, \bm{y} _{max}] $$ This type of problems can be found in many different domains, one of them being the wrench capacity analysis of the human musculoskeletal models. In this paper the method overview is given as well as the verified on the assistive robotics scenario. [Read More]
The Auctus team focuses on developing the robot control and analysis techniques suitable for human-robot physical interaction, taking in consideration the true limitations/capabilities of the robot and its human counterpart. In order to gather real-time knowledge about the human’s capabilities it is necessary to measure its posture (joint angles, positions,…) in real-time as well. More specifically, in many cases we are only interested in acquiring posture of a specific part of the human body, for example the upper body, or one arm. [Read More]

This is the list of my publications:

Journal articles 24 documents
Conference papers 24 documents
Preprints 24 documents
Thesis 24 documents
Reports 24 documents
Book chapters 24 documents
Patents 24 documents

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